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Office Hours

Mon    7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tues    7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wed    7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thurs  7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Fri        7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat       Closed
Sun      Closed


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Office Information


Dentists of West Ashley

1149 Savannah Hwy Ste 305

Charleston, SC 29407

P: 843-213-6881

F: 843-277-1971

Get Directions


We accept and honor most dental insurance plans.

The following are just a few of the dental insurance carriers we're providers for: 

Shenequia Green
Shenequia Green
Dentists of West Ashley

We pride ourselves on our service.

We use advanced proven technology to keep your smile looking the best! Modern dental technology like Digital X-Rays and CEREC® CAD/CAM single-visit crowns allow care that's faster, less invasive and more efficient than ever before.

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What patients are saying

Welcome to Dentists of West Ashley

Dentists of West Ashley is your local dentist near me in Charleston, South Carolina. Conveniently accessible on along Savannah Highway and Farmfield Avenue, we proudly serve the communities of Harbor Woods, Marsh Point, Ashley Shores, Pierpont, and Shadowmoss. Offering a comprehensive suite of modern treatments, we ensure convenience by providing dental check-ups, teeth cleaning, veneers, dental crowns, professional teeth whitening, and more, all in one location. For emergency dental services, our 24/7 prompt relief is just a call away. Inquire about our dental plan discounts and flexible financing options, free from annual fees, tailored to fit your budget. We derive immense pleasure in witnessing new patients' smiles. Contact us today or utilize our convenient online scheduling assistant to secure your appointment and embark on the journey to improved oral health!